French Bulldog puppies for adoption




Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : No
Location : 71 Cherry Court SOUTHAMPTON SO53 5PD UK

I have a litter of lovely French bulldogs with lots of BRINDLE in there beautiful coats , there pedigree is second to none , best European lines , blue shark lines . I have owned French bulldogs for 15 years and only breed for quality first and colour second , they have been raised on a quality diet wormed up too date , pups will leave with there kennel club papers unendorsed , fully vaccinated vet checked and 4 weeks free insurance for piece mind , I’m an experienced breeder and breed for quality and type and these pups are very true to type.

whatsapp me +306947300203

Mention when calling the seller!



71 Cherry Court SOUTHAMPTON SO53 5PD UK
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  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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