Kc reg Labrador retriever puppies




Type : Sell
Condition : New
Location : 65 crocus way, chelmsford, cm1 6xj

1 boy left. Born Thursday 11 march 2021. Can be seen with mum anytime. Please phone or text if interested or just to ask any questions.

Puppies comes fully kc registered, first injection, fully wormed, full vet puppy health check, microchipped and puppy pack which includes bag of Purina Beta Puppy food (puppy is currently eating), blanket with mums scent on, dog bowl and toy.
Their little personalities are now showing. Must go to good homes who are able to take care of their puppy by being there and not out all day and a garden if possible and lots of daily walks.

Mention Classifieds.uk when calling the seller!



65 crocus way, chelmsford, cm1 6xj
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