Prakritiveda Wellness Centre



Type : Services Offered
Condition : New
Warranty : No
Location : D8,NSIC Campus, Udyog Nagar, Naini, Prayagraj (UP)

Prakritiveda provide the most life-changing wellnessexperiences through naturopathic treatments, holistic retreats, and Ayurvedawith specially designed integrated healing programmes to meet client health andwellness goals. People come to Prakritiveda Wellness to improve their healthand fitness with Ayurvedictreatments, therapies, yoga retreats, and meditations. They also getPanchakarma cleanse, stress relief, weight loss retreats, pain management, andrelaxation treatments here. Our naturopathic and Ayurvedic therapies seek toprovide a comprehensive healthcare option to anyone looking for the bestnatural cures. As the most reputable wellness facility in India.

The company invites all of you to join it. By joining thecompany, you can provide your support in furthering our mission by spreadingawareness about Ayurveda among the people.

If you want to keep yourself healthy, join Prakritiveda Wellness Centre whichhas the best Ayurvedic treatments and products.

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D8,NSIC Campus, Udyog Nagar, Naini, Prayagraj (UP)
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