Bluedogcity Pharaon Staffordshire Bull Terrier




Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : 31 Kings Road Leeds LS5 3QU

6 beautiful blue staffie pups all k c registered. Mum and dad are my family pets. All vet checked wormed and 1st jab free 5 week insurance.

All puppies have receive their first vaccination and microchip. They will be health checked,defleated and dewormed.

They will go to their new homes with sample of their current food, toy and a blanket with mother smell.

Our puppies are held daily to ensure they are socialised and developing well They will be used to household noises, kids and we will wean them on high quality puppy food recommended by our veterinarian.

We looking for loving, forever homes for them.
If you would like to reserve puppy please get in touch.

Mention when calling the seller!



31 Kings Road Leeds LS5 3QU
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  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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