Lovely French Bulldog puppies


Location : A4, London WC2N 5DU, UK

French Bulldog is the perfect pet. His physical characteristics make him adoptable to apartment and house conditions, as well as farms and country side, as long as the weather is not too hot. He is also very “practical” and low-maintenance, because of his relatively small size, short coat and low exercise needs. In addition to all that, he has a lovely personality. He is smart, affectionate, playful, very loving and attached to members of your family and yet again very polite and non-aggressive to strangers and other animals.

Our puppies come set for success. Puppy comes with vaccination up to date, microchipped, 1 year congenital disease warranty, medical certificates, 1 free pet visit to our trusted vet, 1 free spa day with us. I will set you up with bed, food, toys for you to take home with your new puppy.

About French Bulldogs : French Bulldogs are very comical, loving, lovable puppies. They are very social especially with there families. Frenchies have a personality that is outstanding they are always happy and playful yet 2 min later can be snoring on your couch like a potato. French bulldogs are usually friendly with other pets. They are ideal pets. (jennymeads034 @ gmail. com)

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A4, London WC2N 5DU, UK
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